Miniature model of John Frusciante’s Jaguar

Well, this really is a short-scale. :-)

Here is one of the reasons that keep me doing this page…

I just received an email with these pics and:

I borrowed the expertise of your site to complete a miniature replica of
John Frusciante’s ’62 Jaguar and wanted to say thanks.

Your site was invaluable to the project.

I’m an artist in the US by the way, I make replicas of famous guitars,
amps, etc.

Check out
if you are into guitars.

I sent you a picture of the miniature Frusciante guitar.
It’s 13 inches tall and crafted by hand.

Thanks again,
Bill Hurley “

It is amazing to see how people keep coming to this page, and how many people are interested in Fender’s higher evolution of offsetwaist guitars :-)

P.S.: Here’s another miniature by the same artist…

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